Question about materials?
Question about materials?
Question about materials?
Question about materials?
"Value of Love"
Revaluing Care in the Global Economy first event
Workshop at Duke University, April 4 and 5, 2019
Workshop Schedule
Thursday, April 4
8:30-9:00: breakfast
9:00-9:15: Welcoming remarks by Dean Rachel Kranton & Jocelyn Olcott
9:15-10:00: Introductions (all present, including students, etc.; name, discipline/field, interests)
10-12: short presentations by invited participants (20 people; each participant briefly introduces him/herself and describes research background; brief indication of where they see interesting areas of research, possible new directions)
12:00-2:00: lunch break
2:00-4:30: full-group session of brainstorming about what we see as critical topics and major new areas of research
[5:30-7:00: Annual Queer Theory lecture: A Conversation with Samuel R. Delany]
7:30: Catered dinner at my house.
Friday, April 5
8:30-9:00: breakfast
9:00-10:00: brief recap of themes and issues that arose in Thursday’s brainstorming
10:00-12:00: divide into small groups (thematic? Conceptual?) for brainstorming research areas (select rapporteur for each group who will meet over lunch to report suggestions
12:30-2:00: lunch break; group leaders meet to discuss & cull suggestions emerging from small groups
2:00-4:00: debrief from small groups; brainstorm grant proposal(s)
Departures & dinner for out-of-towners staying Friday night.