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Open Access Bibliography
Collecting Knowledge
BIBLIOGRAPHY LINK (click to access)
The goal of this sub-project is to build an accessible and user-friendly bibliography on the topic of care. We aim to make the bibliography useful for many different groups, including journalists, academics, and the general public. Moreover, we aim to highlight the generative but often overlooked work of scholars in the Global South.
The current home of the bibliography is Zotero, a free software for managing citations. You can use Zotero in your browser, but we recommend downloading the desktop version and the browser plug-in. You can download this software on
Duke University Libraries have a Zotero support page and a support librarian that can help with technical questions.
We are grateful for your help with this project and we care about your experience as a team member. We invite you to think about how this project fits into your passions and interests, and to communicate with us how we can best support you.
Adding bibliography entries
DOI/ISBN: For articles, add the DOI. For books, add the ISBN. This will help users find the resource in public catalogues.
Link: In this section, please add a public-facing link to the resource (i.e., to the publishing house,, ResearchGate, ...). Make sure not to link to the University Libraries catalogue since only users with Universities affiliation will be able to access the resource.
Abstract: In this section, please copy and paste the author’s own abstract for the entry. If there is no abstract for your entry, write “N/A”.
Tags: Tags are the main organizational structure of the bibliography. Here is a document with the tags we are using, including their description. Please do not add new tags - if you can think of any terms that aptly describe the entry, feel free to use them in the “notes” section (see below). If you are unsure what a particular tag means, please reach out!
Notes: Briefly describe the resource in your own words. Think about the keywords you would use to find this entry and make sure to include them in your blurb. Your description will help users of the bibliography to find your entry. Here is a document with keywords that we have previously used. When using new keywords, you can add them to this document.