Question about materials?
Question about materials?
Question about materials?
Question about materials?

Who are we?
New research, critical thinking and idea exchange across political and social boundaries are critical to interrogate some of the assumptions that have kept this debate so static. By bringing together a diverse group of scholars working from different disciplines and locations, we will explore the ways that knowledge produced from the global South – where informal and subsistence labor occupy more economic space – offers possibilities for reimagining economies to place a higher value on care labors.

University of Amsterdam
Marija Bartl is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Amsterdam. She acquired her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence. Marija’s research revolves around the relationship between law and social change. In her research project VENI (funded by the Dutch Grant Authority NWO) , and titled ‘BRINGING DEMOCRACY TO MARKETS: TTIP and the Politics of Knowledge in Postnational Governance’, Marija explores the co-constututive relationship between institutions (democratic or not), laws and expert knowledge in the re-shaping of global political economy. Marija is also interested in the possible contribution of law to socio-ecological transformation.

University of South Carolina
Drucilla Barker is Professor in the Department of Anthropology and the Women’s & Gender Studies Program at the University of South Carolina. She is a Marxist, feminist economist whose research interests are globalization, feminist political economy, and economic anthropology. Her work is interdisciplinary and from ranges from examinations of the roles of gender, race, location, and class in social valuations of labor, especially affective labor, to accounts of the financial crises that characterize late global capitalism. She is a founding member of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), a board member of the Association for Economic and Social Analysis (AESA), and an editorial board member of the journal Rethinking Marxism.

University of Bologna
Eloisa Betti is currently Adjunct Professor of History of Work and Social Relationship at the University of Bologna. She is co-coordinator of the Feminist Labour History Working Group of the European Labour History Network (ELHN), as well as Coordinator of the “Gender and Labour” Working Group of the Italian Society of Labour History (SISLAV). Her main research fields are labour and social history, gender and women’s history, and urban history. She is author of: “Gender and Precarious Labor in a Historical Perspective. Italian Women and Precarious Work Between Fordism and Post-Fordism, ” ILWCH (89, 2016); “Historicizing Precarious Work: Forty Years of Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities,” IRSH (63, 2018); and Precari e precari. Una storia dell’Italia Repubblicana (Carocci 2019).

University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Arturo Escobar is Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. His main interests are: political ecology, ontological design, pluriversal studies, and the anthropology of development, social movements, and technoscience. His most well-known book is Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World (1995, 2nd Ed. 2011). His most recent books are Sentipensar con la Tierra. Nuevas lecturas sobre desarrollo, territorio y diferencia (2014; French edition May 2018), Otro posible es posible: Caminando hacia las transiciones desde Abya-Yala/Afro/Latino-América (2018; English edition 2019) and Designs for the Pluriverse. Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds (2018).

National University of Mexico (UNAM)
Alicia Girón González has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Postgraduate degree in Latin American Studies from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She is a professor at the Faculty of Economics and tutor of the Economics, the Latin American Studies, and the Administration Sciences Postgraduate degree programs from UNAM. Her main research issues are fiscal and financial economics, as well as gender economics in relation to financial circuits at a macroeconomic and a microeconomic levels. Professor Girón is Member of the High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment of the United Nations (2016-2017) and Coordinator of the “University Program of Asian and African Studies.

University of Giessen
Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez studied Sociology, Political Sciences and Romance Studies (Francophone and Latin American Studies) at the University of Frankfurt, Germany, Université Lumière II, Lyon and Quito, Ecuador. Her teaching and research engage with questions of global inequalities and their local articulation particularly in Germany, Spain and the UK. Further, she is interested in post/Marxist and decolonial perspectives on feminist and queer epistemology and their application to the field of migration, labour and culture. Her current work is on affective labour/materialities, institutional racism, racial capitalism and the coloniality of migration.

Nantes Institute for Advanced Study
Samuel Jubé is a doctor in private law (Nantes, 2008). He taught at the University of Nantes and Rennes 1 University before becoming Secretary General of the Nantes Institute for Advanced Studies Foundation. In 2012, the Foundation’s Board of Directors appointed him Director for a five-year term (2013-2018). Since August 1, 2018, he is a permanent member (Permanent Fellow) of the Nantes Institute for Advanced Studies. His research is at the crossroads of law, history, economics and management sciences and focuses on the institutional conditions of confidence in the economic field.
Duke University
Jocelyn Olcott is Professor of History; International Comparative Studies; and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies. Her first book, Revolutionary Women in Postrevolutionary Mexico, explores questions of gender and citizenship in the 1930s. Her second book, International Women’s Year: The Greatest Consciousness-Raising Event in History considers the history and legacies of the United Nation’s first world conference on women in 1975 in Mexico City (Oxford University Press, 2017). Her current project is a biography of the activist and folksinger Concha Michel, a one-time Communist who became an icon of maternalist feminism and a vocal advocate for recognizing the economic importance of subsistence labors.

Yale University
Rene Almeling is a sociologist at Yale University who specializes in research on gender and medicine. She is the author of Sex Cells, an award-winning book that offers an inside look at the American market for egg donors and sperm donors. Currently, she is writing a new book, Guynecology, on the history of medical knowledge-making about men’s reproduction and its consequences for individual men. She has also conducted two original surveys, the first on Americans’ attitudes toward genetic risk (with Shana Gadarian) and the other on women’s bodily experiences of IVF.

University of Utah
Günseli Berik is Professor of Economics at the University of Utah, US. She received her B.S. in Economics and Statistics at the Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, and Master’s and Ph.D. in Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Her research and teaching areas are development economics, labor economics, and feminist economics. Her research has focused on gender inequalities in livelihood and well-being outcomes (earnings, working conditions, training, population sex ratios, time use in the household). The geographic focus of her research has been Turkey, Taiwan, Korea, Bangladesh, the US, and Utah. Her latest work is on broader metrics of economic welfare that incorporate care work and the environment.

University of Nantes
António de Almeida Mendes is a historian specialized in slavery and slave trades of early modernity (from 14th to 16th century) and the history of the Atlantic. He is a lecturer at the University of Nantes, founding member of the International Centre for Research into Slavery, member of the Research Centre on International History and Atlantic and, from 2013 to 2016, member of the National Committee for the Remembrance and History of Slavery. He is co-director of the STARACO program at the University of Nantes (STAtus, RAce and COlours in the Atlantic), as well as the PRALT program (the PRactice of ALTerity from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 15th-20th century) at the Casa de Velázquez (Madrid).

National Research University “Higher School of Economics.”
Elena Gerasimova is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law at the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia). She is also Director of the Centre for Social and Labour Rights, a non-governmental organization, working to promote labour and employment rights. For over twenty years she has been working with trade union movements in Russia and CIS countries, promoting labour and employment rights in Russia. Her current research interests include freedom of association, right to strike, social partnership, human rights at work, international labour standards, protection against discrimination, equality at work, etc.

Federal University of Minas Gerais
Pedro Augusto Gravatá Nicoli is an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and member of the permanent faculty of the Post Graduate Program in Law at UFMG. He is Doctor, Master and Bachelor in Law by UFMG and was a visiting researcher at the International Labor Organization, at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Nantes and at the University of Strasbourg. He is coordinator of Diverso UFMG – Legal Nucleus of Sexual and Gender Diversity, which develops researchin Labor Law, Social Law, International Labor Law and Human Rights, especially in themes such as Social Law theory, precariousness, informality, labor margins, gender, sexuality, social and legal exclusion and vulnerability.

King's College London
Richard Itaman is a Lecturer in Comparative Political Economy and Development in the Department of International Development at King’s College London. He holds a PhD in economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London. His research and teaching focus Political economy, Economic development, Income and wealth distribution, Financial development, Industrial policy, Macroeconomics, and African development. Moreover, he serves as a Coordinator of the Africa Working Group of the Young Scholars’ Initiative, Institute for New Economic Thinking; where he organizes seminars, webinars, conferences and designs research agenda for a group of vibrant and dynamic young scholars working on Africa’s development.

Indian Institute of Advanced Study-Shimla
Sujata Patel is National Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla. Earlier she taught sociology at the Universities of Hyderabad and Pune and SNDT Women’s University. An historical sensibility and a combination of four perspectives-Marxism, feminism, spatial studies and post structuralism influences her work which covers diverse areas such as modernity and social theory, history of sociology/social sciences, city-formation, social movements, gender construction, reservation, quota politics and caste and class formations in India. She is also an active interlocutor of teaching and learning practices, and has written on the challenges that organise its reconstitution within classrooms and in University structures.

University of Victoria
Supriya Routh is an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Victoria, where he teaches Contracts, Individual Employment Relationship Law, and the Legal Process. He is also a member of the Curriculum Committee and the Graduate Studies Committee at the Faculty. Supriya’s research interests include theoretical conceptualizations of work and labour law, workers’ organization initiatives, international labour law, atypical and informal workers in the global South, and human rights and human development. His current research project explores the role and limitations of substantive human rights guarantees in promoting informal and precarious workers’ aspirations, and the innovative form and strategies of the newer kinds of workers’ organizations that are emerging in the Global South

Gaston Berger University
Felwine Sarr is a Senegalese scholar and writer born in 1972 in Niodior, in the Saloum islands. He received his PhD In Economics at the University of Orleans and has taught at the University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis since 2007. His lectures and academic researches focus on economic policies, development economy, econometrics, epistemology and history of religious ideas. In 2016, he organized with Achille Mbembé in Dakar and Saint-Louis, the Ateliers de la pensée, which gathers African and diasporic intellectuals and artists to think around the transformations of the contemporary world.

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences
Lakshmi Subramanian did her undergraduate and post graduate degrees in History from Calcutta University. She pursued her doctoral degree in history in the University of Viswa Bharati (Santiniketan). She has taught in a number of universities in India and overseas (South Africa, Poland and Germany) and for the last seven years has been working in the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences in the capacity of Research professor. She has authored more than six major books on economic and cultural history of India, her special subfields of interest being trade and social networks in the Indian Ocean, histories of predation and the social history of music in modern south India.

Duke University
Ara Wilson is the author of The Intimate Economies of Bangkok: Tomboys, Tycoons, and Avon Ladies in the Global City (University of California Press, 2004). Her work makes analytical and empirical contributions to the feminist study of globalization and to what she calls queer political economy (QPE). Combining Science & Technology Studies (STS) approaches with materialist theories, she remains invested in empirical research, particularly ethnographically informed depictions of life under global capitalism. This direction also involved reflection on analytical categories and frameworks, such as intimacy, infrastructure, or gender.

Duke University
Ingrid Meintjes received her Ph.D. from the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Emory University, where she was a George W. Woodruff Fellow (2013-2018). Informed by her work in the South African AIDS movement, she completed her dissertation titled Bodies Built for Care: From Indigenous Technologies in South Africa to Social Robotics while a resident fellow at the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry (2018-2019). Ingrid aims to bring interdisciplinary and transnational insights to the problem of meeting our care needs as they intensify through epidemic, civil unrest, mass migration, and climate change.

Duke University
Riikka Prattes has a background in Social and Cultural Anthropology (MA, University of Vienna) and completed her Doctorate in an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Social and Political Thought at the Institute for Social Justice at ACU, Sydney. Riikka’s thesis was on the “outsourcing” of reproductive work in the global North – particularly on the outsourcing of domestic cleaning from private households in Vienna to migrant workers in the informal market – and proposed to look at the injustice prevalent within this realm through a lens of epistemic ignorance. Her research interests include feminist epistemologies, epistemologies of ignorance, and decolonial theory, feminist care ethics, the international division of reproductive labor, and critical studies of men and masculinities.

Binghamton University
Mahua Sarkar is Associate Professor of Sociology, and Asian & Asian-American Studies at Binghamton University, New York. Her areas of research interest include Historical Sociology, Gender/Feminist Theory, Postcolonial Theory, the Politics of Methods, Global Labour History and Transnational Migration. She is currently working on her second book, provisionally entitled ’Going Abroad’ (Bidesh Kara): Circular/Managed Migration and Bangladeshi Transnational Contract Workers. Her additional research interests in include surrogacy as a form of labour, and socialist internationalism.

University of Cambridge
Samita Sen received her Ph.D. from Cambridge University in 1992. She taught History at Calcutta University and Women’s Studies at Jadavpur University from 1994 to 2018. She was First Vice-Chancellor, Diamond Harbour Women’s University, 2013-2015. She was Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies (Jadavpur University), 2016-2018. Her monograph, Women and Labour in Late Colonial India (Cambridge University Press, 1999) won the Trevor Reese Prize in Commonwealth History.

Duke University
Kathi Weeks is a Professor in the Women’s Studies Program at Duke University. Her primary interests are in the fields of political theory, feminist theory, Marxist thought, the critical study of work, and utopian studies. She is the author of The Problem with Work: Feminism, Marxism, Antiwork Politics and Postwork Imaginaries (Duke UP, 2011) and Constituting Feminist Subjects (Cornell UP, 1998), and a co-editor of The Jameson Reader (Blackwell, 2000).

University of Paris 13
Mira Younes is a doctoral candidate in Psychology at University Paris 13. She is also a clinical psychologist at the Saint-Denis Women’s House (Maison des Femmes de Saint-Denis) near Paris. Her PhD thesis combines feminist ethnography and action-research with migrant domestic workers in Beirut (Lebanon) within an unfree labor system. It focuses on the survival strategies and horizontal self-care her interlocutors resort to, so as to build livable alternative in the host country and to the strenuous, status-oriented reproductive work they are assigned to provide. She was part of the scientific committee of the conference “Care and Intersectionality” at University Paris 8 (November 7, 2015), which brought together care workers, associations and academics.